Teeth Whitening

What Causes Stained Teeth?

  • Age
  • Coffee, tea & other dark beverages
  • Tobacco use
  • Antibiotics and other medications

Teeth Whitening:

No matter how well you take care of your smile, it still may not look as bright and beautiful as you want it to be. We can help! At Lahaina Smiles Dental, we offer high-quality, professional teeth whitening treatments to restore your pearly whites.

During your appointment, our cosmetic dentist will take a look at your current smile and get to know you and your cosmetic goals. From there, you’ll work together to create a treatment plan for brightening your smile!

For the teeth whitening process, we will first create a customized set of trays that fit comfortably in your mouth. Then, we will fill the trays with a whitening gel and have you wear the trays for a set amount of time. Following this non-invasive treatment, you will find that your teeth will have limited sensitivity, so you are free to eat and drink as usual a few hours after your visit.